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Before You Respond To That Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale OH Sign

By Donna Ellis

As you are reading this article you may be thinking that it is about time that you should get a pet. In fact in you search for a new pet in Ohio you may have come across a shih tzu puppies for sale OH sign. Before you do take the plunge, it may be good idea for you to read on in this article for a bit of information that should be able to assist you in your decision.

Also called the Chrysanthemum Dog, the breed originally is thought to have come from Tibet and later made its way down to China, where many believe it to be its origin. In adulthood the males can reach a length of around eleven inches and females about 8 to 9 inches. Both can weigh anywhere from ten to nineteen pounds at maturity.

To describe its physical appearance it has a short muzzle and large dark eyes, and coats can differ from being long and fine and wavy and coarse. Regardless of the coat type, the coat of this breed will need a daily brushing and care as it is extremely prone to matting and tangling. If you get one that has wavy and coarse hair, the best kind of haircut for this will be a short haircut. Those with longer finer fur get what is called a princess type cut while those with coarse and wavy hair usually get a teddy bear cut.

If by chance one were to fully shave this dog, one will notice that it very much is similar to a pug in appearance. This pug like face covered with fur has been one that has been used as a model for a very popular character in the Star Wars franchise, the Ewoks. In fact some owners love to dress up their shih tzus as Ewoks sometimes also.

In terms of temperament, these dogs are very loyal and affectionate, and will be protective to some degree and bark and yelp when it senses something amiss. However, it generally gets along well with other people and animals. It should be noted however, that when provoked, it will fight back, especially when it feels like you are treading on its territory or trying to get its possessions or food.

When it comes to health it is a fairly resilient dog, and most conditions will only come out later in its life. Skin problems will usually come out early especially if there are poor grooming habits present. Eye problems will also set in as it goes on in age alongside reverse sneezing complications, . It is also important to keep an eye on its diet to make sure it is balance and healthy.

Prices for this dog can range from free to several hundred dollars as they are pretty much ubiquitous. But on average the price really depends on where you live, its availability and of course if it has any champion blood or not.

In sum this short article has shown some basic considerations that you should think through. There are others that you should also look into so as to give you a final and informed decision, for being a good owner takes a lot of responsibility and preparation also.

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