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What To Know Before Visiting You Local Breeders For Cavachon Puppies

By Patricia Fisher

There is a great likelihood that you are in the market right now for a pet, and most likely a dog at that. That is the reason you may be thinking of visiting breeders for cavachon puppies in your area as suggested by your friends. Before you do invest in getting this canine, do read on in this article for more information.

Dog breeders created this breed when they mated the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with the Bichon Frise over a course of many years or even generations. Thus as it is a cross bred canine it will have a mix of temperaments, or sometimes a dominant personality trait. It can have the dominant aloof personality of the Bichon Frise or the lap loving traits of the King Charles.

Depending on the quality of the breeding parents, and the prestige of the kennels it may come from, the puppy price will vary greatly. On the high end the prices can reach around to six hundred to eight hundred dollars per puppy. On average however, you can get a decent one in the rang of two hundred to five hundred dollars. You may even enjoy much lower prices if you go to the local animal shelter if available.

The fur of this breed is one that is making it more popular as the years go on. This is because it is generally known and accepted that it has hypoallergenic properties, and thus a boon to dog lovers who have dog allergies. One should however always have a trial live in period, of around one month, with any animal to see if any accompanying allergies come out before making a final commitment.

This dog is also a tad more difficult to house break than other breeds. Everyone knows that housebreaking for dogs is very important, especially if one is to have them living inside a majority of the time. Quite a few owners do agree that the best way to housebreak this particular dog will be the crate method. It will also be worth your while to do further research on this strategy.

Once this dog will reach eight months in age, it will need to get a regular grooming schedule. The reason for this is that the cavachon's fur will be prone to tangling and matting as age progresses. While they are young and still puppies, it is good to let them be used to regular brushing so they will be more behaved when regular grooming schedules are made.

For the most part in terms of diet and nutrition, this dog is not a heavy eater. However, it will need to have at least two square meals a day and plenty of water. Given proper care and nutrition, this breed can live up to 17 years old, quite a long time for a small breed canine.

Thus we have read about a few important facts about this small dog breed. This list is not that exhaustive, but it does contain the important information you need to make the right decision regarding this breed.

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