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The Law Of Attraction For Skeptics And Logical People

The Law Of Attraction For Skeptics And Logical People

by Nathaniel L. Ferguson

Success means different things to different individuals. It comes in many different forms and the idea of being successful for one person might not be the same as for another person. In fact, there are as many definitions of success as there are people on this planet. For instance, if you are a businessman, success may mean being among the top 10 companies in your industry and if you are a student, success may mean getting distinctions and coming first in your exams. According to Earl Nightingale, "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." It is therefore very important for each one of us to define clearly what success means to us.
[The law of attraction book]

We can use the Law of Attraction to attract the success we desire in our life. According to the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives, whatever we give our energy, attention and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted. If we want to deliberately attract success, we have to follow three steps.If we want to be successful in our life, then the very first thing we should do is to take the time to decide exactly what success means to us. Clarity is the first step for deliberately attracting the success we desire in our life. Success is a multifaceted personal concept. By defining what the idea of success represents to us and by taking the time to write it down, we will automatically move our life in that direction. Robert Collier was right when he said "The great successful men of the world have used their imagination. They think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building - steadily building."

We must learn how to help ourselves by co-creating, along with God, that which we desire by developing faith and applying focused thought. The best way to pray then is affirmatively, to visualize what we desire as if it is already in our experience, and to give thanks in advance, knowing that what we need and desire is available to us. To pray effectively, we pray affirmatively. A powerful prayer is one of gratitude. The more we count our blessings, the more blessings come to us. Our thoughts and prayers really do create our experiences!

Action is imperative when given an opportunity. I've known people who have given me excuses for why they can't do something. For example, I knew someone who really wanted to attend counseling. The only problem was that his depression was keeping him from working as hard as he used to and that was keeping him short of cash, hence a vicious cycle. He couldn't afford the counseling that could help him work more efficiently that could enable him to afford counseling. He stumbled on a counselor offering free sessions as they were just starting out. He could receive counseling helping the counselor to move forward and helping himself to get back on his feet. Yet he didn't take action. This gets us nowhere. Action is imperative!

The third step for deliberate attraction is to allow success to manifest in our life. Allowing is the absence of doubt and fear. If we have a strong desire to be successful but at the same time, we have strong doubts, we will never be able to attract what we want because we will be sending mixed signals in the universe. If, on the other hand, we have a strong desire and some doubts, we will attract success, but it will take a little longer. If we want to rapidly manifest success, we have to have a strong desire with no doubt at all.

These laws are set in stone so to speak and cannot be changed or altered in anyway, they apply to everyone and everything and are always at work whether we are aware of it or not.Among these universal laws is the law of attraction which states that we can attract that which we desire into our lives through the power of our thoughts and quite literally become the masters of our own destiny, or as Napolean Hill once quoted the "the captains of our souls".In essence the law of attraction attracts to you that which you desire most and that which you focus your thoughts on most!Everything going in your life whether it be relationships, financial status, well-being e.t.c is a direct reflection of your accustomed way of thinking and the nature of your thoughts.

The Law of Attraction gained a lot of publicity back in 2006 when the film the secret was launched which was a documentary type film where some of the leading experts appeared on camera to give an insight into what the Law of Attraction is and how it works.The film was good for the newcomer who knew little or nothing about the law of attraction but at the same time it really only touched the tip of the iceberg and gave no reasoning regarding how this powerful law of the universe works or its true origins.Law of Attraction History.Many people associate the law of attraction with new age movements and similar practices, unfortunately modern media and uneducated bloggers and such like haven't helped matters!It's important to understand that the law of attraction was referenced long before any new age movement and even before western civilization had even gotten wind of any of the universal laws.

We're All Made Up of the Same Energy.We're all taught in school that all matter, whether physical objects or living creatures, is made up of the same energy called atoms. The theory is that this same energy making up atoms is also a frequency created by our thoughts. Thoughts are magnetic energy and create a frequency similar to a radio or smart phone. As you go through your day thinking, your thoughts are sent out into the world and attract like things on the same frequency. Picture yourself as a human transmission tower emitting powerful waves of thoughts that are changing the dynamics of your life each and every day.

You Can Control & Change Your Thoughts.Most people think about what they don't want instead of thinking about what they do want. As gay men, when we walk down the street, some of us think about what might happen if we run into a homophobe and how they might react to us. At work some of us think about how our co-workers might respond to us. When we go to the theater or to the market with other gay men, we wonder if people recognize we're gay. But what happens if we "stop" thinking about what we're afraid of and "only" think about what we want?

Now I will admit it takes some practice to be aware of our thoughts and to consciously learn to change them. But luckily as humans we can discern and choose to think about what we want. One way to quiet the mind and get control of your thoughts is to consider practicing meditation. Once you start to catch and change your thoughts, you are on your way to creating and obtaining the life you want.Persistence Pays.Benjamin Franklin said "energy and persistence conquer all things". Once you understand how the law of attraction works then its up to you to transmit even more powerful thoughts by adding feeling and clarity to what you are wanting. You deserve all the good things life has to offer so use persistent thinking to summon them to you. If you're having a bad day, try to think of events or memories that make you feel good to shift your paradigm back to attractive thinking. Think of who you love, or bring back fun or happy times that make you smile.


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