By Guy Lobdell During the winter months, everyone strives to keep their home comfortably warm. The downside to this is that it tends to create a big draw on one's power bill due to various factors. A Murrieta CA HVAC installation and repair service can offer several very useful tips that can help people keep the heat while keeping costs under control. One of the main reasons interior climate control in the winter costs so much is that a home may not be thoroughly insulated with this purpose in mind. Factors that may appear to be unimportant might actually be the biggest culprits at allowing a lot of the heat to seep to the out of doors. A few preventative measures around the windows and doors can hep avoid this. These areas are among the biggest energy vampires. Window issues can be minimized by applying a layer of plastic to the frame to create an added layer of insulation, and keeping the drapes closed. To keep the heat from escaping through the cracks around doors, a f...