By George Walker This is a very broad topic because people have vastly differing ideas about what "obedience training" actually is! I would like to talk about both sides of the "obedience teaching" concept, in order to perhaps clear up some of the confusion that may exist among dog owners. Sad to say that a large number of owners spend very little or no time at all on the teaching of their pet, either because of lack of time, interest, or maybe dare I say laziness, or maybe they believe the dog will magically acquire all the good manners it needs simply out of thin air and ignoring the fact that obedience training for dogs Houston TX is required. You are the master, the alpha dog. Dogs are animals used to a strong social structure where obedience plays an important role in their natural life. Dogs have a natural instinct to follow commands of their leader. That leader is also known as the "alpha dog". Needless to say, the alpha dog in this case shou...