By In these times of tougher economic conditions we are all being forced to watch what we spend and in many cases there are sacrifices to be made. Although some spending can be eliminated, others are simply too important to do away. For a lot of of us, driving is a must for our livelihoods and you may end up like many people who consider motoring costs a necessary item of expenditure. Nevertheless, if you take the time to consider this more carefully you will be surprised at how much you can save and in this article we will look at what you can do to keep your driving expenses down. The general maintenance of your car will always cost you money but it is necessary to keep you safe and can save you cash in the long run. When you do need service, ideally you should look around for the best deals. You can either use the phone or use the internet and you are going to be surprised at the varying quotes you are given. You'll find often special deals available especially as bus...